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Rwanda National Parks

Lake kivu – Rwanda

 Explore Lake Burera and Ruhondo – rwanda  The lake covers a total surface area of some 2730 km2 and stands at a height of 1463 m above sea level. Lake Kivu is a shared resource between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The lake bed sits upon a rift valley that is slowly being pulled apart, causing volcanic activity in ... Read More »

Gishwati Forest Reserve Park – Rwanda

Discover Nature in Rwanda – Gishwati A Forest of Hope  The Gishwati Reserve has only about 9 km² or 900 ha (3.6 mi² or 2,224 acres) of natural forest remaining, with a chimpanzee population of 14 individuals. There are an additional 7 km² or 700 ha (2.8 mi² or 1,729 acres) of agricultural fields and pastures that are, or soon ... Read More »

Nyungwe forest national park – rwanda

Africa’s Mountain Rainforest: The ideal place for adventure!  Nyungwe rainforest is placed in the southwestern Rwanda, at the border with Burundi, south, and Lake Kivu and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west. Nyungwe rainforest is probably the best preserved rainforest in the mountains throughout Central Africa. It is located in the watershed between the basin of the river Congo to the ... Read More »

Akagera National Park – Rwanda

Akagera National Park is located in the north east of Rwanda along the border with Tanzania. It is named after the Akagera River that flows along its eastern boundary and feeds into a labyrinth of lakes of which the largest is Lake Ihema. The rolling hills of Acacia and Brachystegia Woodland coupled with scattered grassland and swamp-fringed lakes along the ... Read More »

Volcanoes National Park – Rwanda

Home of Mountain Gorillas – Parc National de Volcans Volcanoes National Park (Parc National des Volcans) lies in northwestern RWANDA and borders Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda. The national park is known as a haven for the mountain gorilla. It is home to five of the eight volcanoes of ... Read More »